Installation view of the exhibition Image: Susanne Völlm © ZHdK
AMP spacecraft built in and around the Agbogbloshie scrapyard in Accra, Ghana, and upgraded at the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany, is now on display at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, as part of the exhibition “Repair Revolution!” on public view from March 31 – October 15, 2023. New features included for this exhibition include latest iteration of the modular “Parawall” archi-technology under development since 2013-2014, with a cross-bracing pattern refined with assistance from current researcher Alireza Zamani working at HuMatLab in dialog with Kwabena Acheampong, who led co-development with AMP Makers Collective community in Accra, Ghana. Folded Aluminum toolbox pods digitally fabricated with a CNC plasma cutter in Ghana are scheduled for installation in Zurich during summer 2023. Yasmine Abbas, who directs Penn State’s Immersive Experiences Lab produced the film explaining aspects of the project “Agbogbloshie Makerspace Platform” that the installation, Spacecraft_ZKM @ZHdk, plays on loop within the gallery space of the museum in Zurich, a major venue of international exhibition and design scholarship, which commissioned the new work for the curated group show “Repair Revolution!”